Want to sell old and rare books on philosophy of east and west, history, Indian and world religion, dictionaries, and encyclopedias.
by Mr. Arun Sharma
(Muzaffarnagar, India)
My name is Mr. Arun Sharma and I have rare book collections of more than 5,000 books that include the ancient history of Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indians and various other civilizations of that time.
The book collection also includes various books on unsolved mysteries of the world. All books are from authentic publishers and writers. Part of the collection contains:
- A huge collection of books on World War I, World War II, the Gulf War, and many other ancient wars, modern wars, and international relations.
- Dictionaries and encyclopedias.
- A huge collection on yoga, holistic living, and various books on the art of living. All books are written by Indian and foreign writers.
- A huge collection of western philosophy writers like Bertend, Russel, Nitze, Kant, Spinoza, Wil Durant, and many more.
- A good collection on international and domestic terrorism.
- Books on psychology and psychotherapy.
- A lot of books on the Indian mutiny, Indian freedom struggle, and India after independence.
- A huge collection of biographies.
There are also used and rare books, international magazines, and journals on many more topics of interest. These items are perfect for rare book collecting.
You can contact me at: arunvats05@gmail.com
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