Is eBook Publishing Killing
Printed Books?
By Joe Waynick
If I hear one more Internet bookseller say eBook publishing is going to destroy the printed book market I think I’m going to hurl.
I don’t mean to be crude, (well, maybe a little), but the myth that the printed book is going away belies the fact that printed books have seen phenomenal growth over the last ten years.
For example, here’s a quote from my eBook, The Future of Internet Bookselling:
“Industry watchdog reports that 247,777 books were published worldwide in 2002. However, in 2008 there were 561,580 books published in the world market. More than double the number of titles in just six short years! Does that sound like a dying industry to you?” |
Is reading eBooks growing by leaps and bounds? Of course, but that doesn’t automatically translate into the demise of printed books.
And to make money with eBook publishing you have hurdles to overcome that simply don't exist in the print market.
Rather, it seems to me that eBooks represent an expansion of the market rather than one segment taking over another. Like the recent announcement of the new Google eReader.
Will eBook reading devices ever replace printed books? Perhaps to some extent, but I find it hard to believe the printed word will ever completely go away.
Nevertheless, if it does happen, it won’t be for many years, much too far in the future for me to even care. Really.
If you want to hear a different perspective by our friends across the pond, listen to this interesting audio clip.
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