Touchdown! - SCOE 2011 Day0
Okay, the eagle has landed. This is SCOE 2011 Day0 and I'm reclining here in my hotel room in cloudy and rainy Seattle, WA.

I foolishly waited too long to make my hotel reservations this year and for the first time in three years I'm not staying at the Seattle Airport Marriot, where the conference is being held. I'm two miles away in another Mariott property. Not a major impostion, but inconvenient enough to put a funk on my mood for sure.
Nevertheless, after relaxing in my room tonight here on SCOE 2011 Day0, I plan to get an early start in the morning.
Attendence has almost doubled from last year, up by over 200 attendees to well over 450 guests. My what a smashing success this venue has become. If you haven't attended SCOE, then you're missing out on some tremendous learning opportunities. Check out the SCOE website for more information.
Registration is being held tonight from 5pm - 8pm, but I'm not going to make the trip to the conference hall just for that. I'll register in the morning and get into the swing of things then.
I'm curious to see how many acquaintenances from last year I'll see again this year. I'm particularly looking forward to catching up with some of the vendors I hung out with such as the MediaScouter crew, the FillZ team, Chris Green from FBA Power, Skip McGrath, and a gaggle of other booksellers.
With all the major changes Amazon has made to the FBA program, I'm VERY anxious to talk to those guys. If nothing else than to give them my 2 cents about the draconian decisions they've made that hurt 3p sellers.
I've even got half a mind to call them "eBay north" to their faces, but I'm not that crazy. ;-)
Read about day 1 of the conference...
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