Questions About Dell Axim Performance...

by David
(Unknown Location)

Original Comment:

June 8, 2013

Hi Joe,

I unexpectedly was provided with the financial wherewithal today to buy a bar code scanner, an up-to-date cell phone (I have a very archaic one), your book, and more books to sell online.

I clicked on your link to for the Dell Axim x51 scanner and was quite put off by what I saw. There seemed to be mostly 5-star reviews that I consider quite suspicious - I have to be honest about it. When I see that someone has only reviewed one item, or at most 2-3 items, and given that item 5 stars, my radar goes off.

I am certain that manufacturers and publishers have fake purchasers do these glowing reviews - I have looked into this issue extensively. Some other reviews - such as the following one - totally scared me away from this scanner.

"Trouble syncing, trouble with battery door, trouble with battery life. You name it, the problem haunts the Axim x51. Look in online forums you will find them all."

My other option, according to you, is the Socket Mobile, Inc. HC2003-1388 SoMo 655 Wireless Handheld Computer. You use the word "vaunted" to describe it, but there are no reviews at all on Amazon for it.

I am quite nervous about buying the Dell Axim after what I saw on Amazon. I will look up forums on these devices as the reviewer quoted above suggests.

Can you address my concerns? I would be happy to purchase a device through your website, but only if I'm comfortable about doing so.

Thanks for reading this and for your time.



July 4, 2013

Hello David;

Thanks for writing.

My recommendation for the Dell Axim is based on my own personal experience as described in the article. The performance of my own device is what lead me to those conclusions. Also, the performance of the used devices I purchased is what lead me to recommend that sellers stay away from them.

Having said that, recently, several vendors have developed local database capable apps that work on Smart Phones just like PDA devices do. I haven't done an extensive enough study of this new technology to make a recommendation at this time.

However, a few members of my bookseller's forum swear by them to the point where they say they will not use PDA devices anymore. And that they will only use database driven smart phone applications to do their scanning.

This sounds like a reasonable development in the book scanning field and I plan to evaluate several different software vendors and update my recommendations on the website.

It's my objective to provide my readers with the best possible information designed to help them become more profitable, faster, and in the safest way possible. If there's better technology out there I will find it, I will evaluate it, and I will make recommendations on my website.

I really appreciate you taking the time to make your thoughtful comment. If you want more information about smart phone PDAs you can get unlimited answers to your questions in my bookseller's forum by going to the Forum Guidelines page and signing up for a FREE MEMBERSHIP. You'll get useful advice from me and other experienced booksellers to help you grow your business and make it more profitable. Make sure you sign up today and introduce yourself to everyone!

Joe Waynick
Bookseller, Author, Mentor

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