Miscellaneous Bookseller Resources

This is a FREE list of miscellaneous bookseller resources that don't fit a specific category, but are a highly valuable collection of odds and ends that can help your Internet bookselling business grow.

I use most of these resources on a daily basis and I couldn't run my business without them. I'm confident you'll find them equally as valuable too.

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Faded Giant - The world's largest free online database of old book values and the ONLY free online old book price guide with values determined by auction prices.

Kim Komando - Tens of thousands of information packed pages of all things digital. This is one of my most valuable resources.

Nova Roma - Here's another handy calculator to convert roman numbers to Arabic or Arabic to roman numbers.

Verify Signatures - The folks at TomFolio maintains a long list of author autograph signature samples high end book collectors can use for authentication.

Vista Print - Offers small businesses everything they need to market their business, including free business cards for the cost of postage only.

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This is a FREE list of bookseller resources that don't fit a specific category, but are highly valuable.

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A free list of hundreds of bookseller resources to help make your Internet bookselling business more profitable.

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A FREE step-by-step guide for making money online selling used books part-time or full-time from the ground up.

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