Healthy Tips For Thrift-Shopping Book Scouts

by Frank Frontis
(Greensboro, NC)

Original Comment:

May 3, 2017

Found this article to be quite helpful in offering highly useful tips for book buyers scouting the thrift store market.

In particular, I appreciated the suggestion of becoming acquainted with thrift store book stocking personnel by volunteering simple, but very supportive actions such as situating and ordering books that have become unkempt on shelves, which is a highly frequent
occurrence, especially in thrift stores.

Also, I found it very useful the article explaining that book scouting in thrift stores was a high-frequency activity due to continuous fresh drop-offs of clothing, and household items, including books by donors. Lesson here: If you don't find that "golden nugget" book today in a Goodwill or Salvation Army, swing by two or three days later, and it just might be there waiting for you.

Overall appreciated the simple, yet extremely applicable information in this article. Will certainly look forward to reading more of them.

Frank Frontis


May 8, 2017

Hello Frank;

Thank you for your comments. Thrift stores continue to be a rich source of valuable inventory for online bookselling. Stores with lots of donation traffic produce the most results.

Your observations are very astute and if you continue to persist in your efforts you’ll ultimately find financial success as you learn how to sell used books.

Please stay tuned because I intend to write many more articles about scouting in thrift stores in the weeks and months to come.

Finally, you can get unlimited answers to your questions in my bookseller's forum by going to the Forum Guidelines page and signing up for a FREE MEMBERSHIP. You'll get useful advice from me and other experienced booksellers to help you grow your business and make it more profitable. Make sure you sign up today and introduce yourself to everyone!

Joe Waynick
Bookseller, Author, Mentor

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There Is More Than One Way To Skin a Cat! Not rated yet
Original Comment: November 28, 2014 Just to add to Joe's excellent rebuttal to Anonymous' overly simplified post, just because a thrift store …

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