Using Endicia Dazzle to
Buy Postage Online
By Joe Waynick

I've used Endicia Dazzle for my online postage system for over six years. That's because Dazzle is one of the most popular
automated postage systems used by Internet booksellers and I couldn't run my business without it.
When you start buying postage stamps online you
save time by not having to go to the post office and stand in line.
It's also one of the best ways to
save money by using the postage discounts offered by Endicia as well as saving the cost of gas by avoiding daily trips to the post office.
You save even more because you
don't have to
buy a postage machine to print postage. Everything is done right through your computer. It's the perfect solution to help build a profitable online home based business.
This full-featured postage system offers an inexpensive premium plan to buy online postage stamps in addition to other services that include:
- The ability to print online postage.
- Access discounted Priority Mail.
- Receive discounted insurance for expensive items.
- Get free delivery confirmation for Priority Mail.
- Enjoy discounted confirmation for all other classes of mail.
- Get online address verification.
- Print First Class postage for business correspondence.
- Program XML integration (web programming).
- Online package look-up.
- Stealth postage.
- Return shipping labels for customers want to return a purchase.
- Perform automatic printing of pre-filled customs forms for international shipments.
If you make money selling items online and want a truly professional online postage system for direct order fulfillment that's available around the clock, 365 days a year, then Endicia Dazzle is right for you.
It has worked for thousands of used book sellers since 1991 and it continues to be the industry leader today.
To learn more about this remarkable productivity tool that
saves you time and money, just click on the image below for more information and then
sign-up for a FREE TRIAL:
* * * * *
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