Bookselling Publications

It's very important that you learn as much as possible about bookselling if you want to be successful. This free list of bookselling publications enables you to study the Internet bookselling industry both online and offline.

Each publication and/or eZine produce a wealth of information daily, weekly, or monthly. This list will save you many hours of hunting for good information.

Can you really afford not to keep up with the lastest information about bookselling? Now you don't have to risk missing important news.

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Bargain Book News - You'll find lots of useful information about the remainder book market here. You may even want to check out the Spring Book Show in Atlanta, GA.

Book Source Magazine - A great website for those who wish to explore the world of out-of-print, antiquarian and rare books.

Firsts Magazine - Here is an invaluable resource that provides information, entertainment, and entry into book collecting.

Publisher’s Weekly - PW has been around for 138 years and provides book reviews, news about bestselling books and the publishing business. They are considered by many in the bookselling trade to be the premier source for everything about selling books.

Rare Book News - Provides daily news for bibliophiles.

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