Book Fairs and Conventions

Whenever possible, try to attend book fairs, conferences, and other literary events to expand your bookselling knowledge. There are many reasons to attend book shows, and you’ll find they’re well worth your time.

If you know about a book show or other book related event that occurs on a regular schedule, contact me so it can be listed here.

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CIROBE - The Chicago International Remainder and Overstock Book Exposition is possibly the largest bargain book trade show in the country. It’s held in Chicago every October.

SCOE - The Seller's Conference of Online Entrepreneurs is held in Seattle, Washington every July. It's heavily attended by Amazon personnel who spend an entire day helping online sellers get the most out of There are also many independent and 3rd party vendors giving workshops and introducing new bookselling technology.

Spring Book Show - This is the east cost bargain book trade show held each March in Atlanta, Georgia.

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