New Book Distributors
and Wholesalers

This list of book wholesalers and remainder distributors is constantly changing so you want to check back often for new listings.

Book wholesalers can supply you with multiple copies of front list or back listed titles at discounts of 40% - 45% off the publisher's suggested retail price.

Acquiring wholesale books for retailers is the most common way to market new books to the public.


Remainders are books that no longer sell in sufficient volume for a publisher to continue promoting economically.

Therefore, the publisher sells whatever inventory they have on-hand to book remainders distributor and book wholesalers at deep discounts who then sell them to retailers (that's you and me), for as much as 90% off the publisher's suggested retail price.

These books may still have a lot of life left and can be very profitable for Internet booksellers and brick and mortar retail stores. If chosen wisely, you can have a nearly inexhaustible supply of near perfect books acquired at bargain basement prices.

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American Book Company - They claim to be the largest wholesale distributor of closeout, remainder, hurt, promotional and bargain-priced books in the United States.

BZ Overstock - They have a nice selection of remainder books.

Bargain Books Wholesale - They have thousands of remainders, hurts, returns and closeouts in a variety of categories from many publishers.

Book Closeouts - They claim to be one of North America's largest sellers of Bargain Books.

Book Sales, Inc - They have been in the business of publishing and supplying books to wholesalers, mail order companies, and retail stores for over 50 years. They're also purchasers of remainder titles for resale at significantly reduced prices.

BookLiquidator - Their claim to fame is the speed in which you receive your order. The majority of orders are shipped within 2-3 days instead of the normal book industry time of 2-4 weeks. Nice!

Bradley’s Book Clearance - They carry over 3,000 titles in 24 different subjects, as well as sideline items such as journals, bookmarks, and DVDs. They also carry a wide variety of raw skids, most of which are untouched from the publisher.

East Tennessee Trade Group - They claim to be one of the most respected wholesale book distribution companies in the world specializing in discount books.

Fair Mount Books - One of North America's largest suppliers of remainder books, offering up to 80 per cent off the publisher's original price.

Great Jones Books - They carry a wide selection of books in all fields of interest to scholars and serious readers.

Marketing Resource International - This is a source for bargains in both remainder books and closeout merchandise. Good for eBay sellers!

Readers World Wholesale - Their website says they're the nation's largest distributor of books to the Independent Marketer.

S&L Sales Company - Their inventory consists of remainder, hardback, paperback, and hurt books.

Tartan Book Sales - Recycled ex-library books for retailers, librarians, and individuals.

World Publications - They carry remainders and hurts.

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