This week we're going to discuss which barcode scanner parts and accessories are essential to the success of every bookscouter.
However, before we get started, I want to mention that the response to my piece last week about the reliability and durability of the Dell Axim scanner was amazing.
If you haven't read it, you might want to click the above link and take a few minutes to review it before proceeding.
Finished reading the previous article? Great! Now I'm going to introduce you to some of the barcode scanner accessories I use to save time, money, and needless grief using my Dell devices.
I've owned each one of the following products for five or more years and they've proven themselves through the test of time to be worthwhile investments.
If you're interested in owning any of these products you can pay it forward by ordering them through my affiliate links. I guarantee each one will help you manage your own web business and earn more money from book scouting.
The first barcode scanner parts and accessories you want to purchase after acquiring your new PDA and scanner is a protective case to guard against damage after accidentally dropping the unit.
Hey, it happens, believe me.
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When you're out book scouting you'll be moving from location to location and scanning hundreds of books at a time.
It's very easy to become fatigued and your concentration will waver a bit while handling your device.
Then when you least suspect it your scanner will slip out of your hand and go crashing to the floor. Bam! Hundreds of dollars just shattered at your feet. Since the Axim is no longer manufactured, replacement barcode scanner parts are scarce, so it'll be difficult to have it repaired.
Consequently, I learned that the best defense is a strong offense so I invested in the BoxWave Dell Axim AluArmor Jacket to protect my equipment, and so should you.
The last time I checked they were going for less than $20.00; that's cheap insurance against a catastrophic accident!
It's always a good idea to have a spare battery on hand. This is especially true for full-time online booksellers who spend six to eight hours a day scouting.
However, part-timers will find spare batteries also come in handy at all day weekend book sales. I once ran out of battery juice at the famed VNSA booksale in Phoenix, AZ where I was competing against several hundred other sellers for books.
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Luckily, I had my wall charger with me, and I had to scurry around looking for an electrical outlet to use.
Mortified, I was forced to stand on the sidelines while other dealers scooped up the best books while I waited for my battery to charge in 15 minute increments.
You can imagine the scene, charge for 15 minutes, scan for 10 minutes until my battery died again. Charge another 15 minutes, scan for 10.
And so it went until the end of the sale.
Trust me when I say I wasn't a happy camper that day. You can also trust that I always have a fully charged spare battery with me at all book sales 'till this very day.
Do yourself a favor and pop for a spare battery today. It's one of the few barcode scanner parts that's still easy to find. You can buy one for less than $15.00 -- a single disastrous sale will cost you a lot more than that!
By all means, get yourself an automobile charger, particularly if you're a full-time scouter. They plug right into your cigarette lighter.
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Every time you get into your car, just plug your PDA into the charger and top off your battery juice while you drive between locations.
The reason you want an automobile charger instead of a spare battery in your car is because during hot summer months the heat can drain the power from your spare as the day wears on.
Around mid-afternoon when the battery in your scanner starts to run low, you may find your spare battery just as weak.
With this Axim x5 car charger you'll never have to worry about having two dead batteries on your hands. In fact, leave your spare battery and any other barcode scanner parts at home. You only need your spare battery for book sales and other all day indoor events. Use your auto charger for daily charging between stops.
My final bit of advice is that you pick yourself up a spare wall charger. A Dell Axim charger will come in mighty handy for you part-time book scouters who hold full-time jobs.
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Keep your spare charger at work so on the days you plan to scout after punching out you'll have a fully charged battery when you walk out the door.
A word of caution though, do everything possible to keep your PDA out of sight.
You don't want to have to answer a lot of questions about your business to your boss and co-workers.
In fact, don't discuss your business at all on the job. Employers often act "funny" when they know an employee is moonlighting -- especially if the employee is running his or her own business. It gives the boss the willies because they think you'll jump ship as soon as you become prosperous.
That may or may not be true, but you don't have to make life difficult for yourself by bragging about your business at your day job. Be smart and keep quiet about your moonlighting.
Another reason to stay under the radar is because your PDA is a pretty expensive piece of gear. You don't want it walking out the door while you're looking the other way. Feel free to lose any other barcode scanner parts, but don't lose your PDA.
So there you have it! My humble opinion about the essential barcode scanner parts and accessories every bookscouter should have; based of course, on my years of experience pounding the pavement six to eight hours a day for six years.
If I had all this equipment from the beginning, I could have saved myself a few embarrassing moments. Not to mention that I could have made a lot more money.
Now you don't have to make those mistakes. For less than $50.00 you can literally put thousands of extra dollars in your pocket by always being prepared for business, no matter what. It's a very easy way to maximize income.
Good hunting.
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PDA Database Software
Original Comment:
March 31, 2014
So you buy the PDA, you buy the scanner and plug it in. To get the Amazon database, do you have to pay a service …